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Valentine's Day Tote Project

It is February already! With Valentine’s Day almost here, I thought it would be fun to make a little tote to hold all of my valentines.

The Woodsie heart pack and the Double Filbert brush made it so quick and easy for me to decorate the tote and hearts that I might just make a few of these little totes for some of my favorite valentines!


Loew Cornell Natural Tote Mini Mini #TBMN5-3636R

Loew Cornell Woodsie Hearts #1021209

Loew Cornell Brushes:

La Corneille Double Filbert 7530-8

La Corneille Round 7000-2

La Corneille Shader 7300-12

La Corneille Curved Flat 7330-6

La Corneille Script Liner 7050-18/0

Double Ended stylus

Tacky Glue

Recollections #81347-2011-12 “Be Mine” 3/8” Ribbon

Painter’s Tape


DecoArt Americana Acrylic Paint, Primary Red-DA199, Warm White-DA239, Coral Blush-DA292, Lamp Black DA067

DuraClear Gloss Varnish

Let’s Paint!

Using a ruler, make a light mark on the tote marking at 1” and 2”. Add a piece of tape above the 1” mark and below the 2” mark, leaving a section open in the center to paint Primary Red. Paint and then remove tape before the paint dries.

Using the Double Filbert loaded with thinned Primary Red, add the double lines on the top edge of the tote and on the webbed handle, spacing as you go. When dry, use tacky glue on back of ribbon and glue to handle and center on large red band on the tote.

Using the bottom of the handle of the double filbert, add dots of Coral Blush to the canvas part of the tote to decorate. Use stylus to add smaller dots above and below the ribbon on the Primary Red band.

Basecoat the following hearts

Small hearts-2 Warm White, 1 Primary Red

Medium hearts-2 Primary Red

Large hearts-2 Primary Red, 1 Warm White

Paint lace on one of the red large and small hearts using the Double Filbert loaded in Warm White. Add lay down strokes around the edge of the heart edges.

Add a striped of Coral Blush at the end of the “lace”. Dots on small heart are applied with stylus and Warm White, “x’s” and o’s are applied with thinned Warm White and the liner brush.

Add thinned circles of Primary Red to the large and medium heart. Add a border stripe along each of the edges.

Glue one small White heart to an inverted medium Red heart to create the Lock heart. (drop down a little so that you can create the lock handle on the red heart. The small white heart has a free line scroll design in Coral Blush. Shade edges with Curved Flat loaded in Coral Blush. Add handle of lock and keyhole with Lamp Black. Add a highlight on the handle and on the left side of the keyhole with Warm White.

Medium red heart has a sideload mix of Primary Red + Lamp Black from the right edge. Add a highlight of Coral Blush next to the shade. Lettering is thinned Warm White. (Add your favorite fun saying or name to personalize)

Last large red heart has a double stripe using the Double Filbert loaded in Warm White. Add a Coral Blush stripe above and below the double stripe.

Varnish hearts, glue over as seen in picture and then glue to the tote-or to watercolor paper to create your own personal valentine.



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