New Brushes, New Possibilities : Part 2
Aura™ and Flora™
In the last article, we talked about the new curved flat and double filbert brushes and how effortlessly they create leaves, petals and traditional strokes. After reading Facebook, it seems that you all are having the same successes and love the brushes as much as I. In this article, I would like to share the other new brushes in our line, the Aura™ and Flora™. One of the most recent comments posted by an artist suggested that we change the names to AWEsome because they were able to use them in so many ways. With these brushes, I can imprint, drybrush, stroke and blend with ease. The consistent quality and variety of sizes allows for a seamless flow from the largest to smallest detail—but, you be the judge! Aura™
This brush was originally created to solve the problem of background blending, but has proven to have so many more capabilities. The open “hole” in the center allows for blending with full strength or watered down paint and gives background blends a whole new look. This brush can be used with acrylic, gouache, oil, watercolor and other mediums. It offers endless possibilities. It comes in ½” and ¾” sizes. Used dry, the Aura™ can create a drybrush background with varying textures of color. With wet on wet techniques, it blends and can be streaked across the background or used to show sky, clouds, etc.
Loaded and used as an imprint, the brush allows you to create hollow opening shapes like the tree and pinecone shapes.
It can also be used to create foliage, trees and landscapes.
If used with a sweeping motion, the divided hairs create fur, grass, palm leaves and even pine needles. Flora™ I always wished that my filbert came to a fine point, and the new Flora ™ answers that wish. For use for basecoating or to add fine detail, the amount of paint the brush carries makes it one of my new favorites! As I mentioned in the last article, I am not one to suffer for my art. I appreciate a brush that helps me create petals, leaves and stems with little effort. From beginners to advanced, this brush offers the opportunity for fine detail or imprint. Use your favorite medium- acrylic, gouaches, oil, watercolors or even glass paints. This brush is currently available in 3 sizes, #10, #6, and #2.
Depending on how you lay the brush down, tip up or flat side at the top, you can create a variety of leaf and petal shapes. The tip of the brush allows for fine stem detail without picking up a liner or other brush!
Basic flower petals or elongated shapes are easily applied with a single color, or double loaded. The leaves and stems use the same brush so it is easy to complete a painting on-the-go with minimal supplies.
While playing with the brush and using it for basecoating, I found that it comes to such a great point that it allows me to fill in or outline as needed. Thinned paint can be carried for so long that I am excited about its possibilities as a liner! Since I consider myself “time challenged”, I love how I can create a painting quickly and effortlessly using the new line of brushes. Fellow artist, Linda Lover, has used these new brushes to create some of the designs in this newsletter and you can see how easily it increases your own creativity. To get a brush in your hand, visit or We would love to see your newest creations on our Facebook page. Visit for how-to videos on each of these brushes and watch for new online projects coming soon.